Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Grammar Book Work 2nd Nine Weeks

Page 175: Exercise 1, 1-6; Exercise 2, All
Page 177: Exercise 1, All (please do triple underline); Exercise 2, Odds
Page 178: Exercise 1, 1-10

Page 179: Exercise 1, 1-5

2nd Nine Week Important Dates

10/19 - "Classics Revamp" should be read, in class assessment, quiz grade
10/26 - Membean Quiz
11/1 - Land of My Fathers essay - First draft due B.O.C. - revising and editing in class, final copy is a quiz grade
11/2 - Test over literary elements and devices
11/14 - Secret of the Andes Test
11/16 - Membean Quiz
11/30 - Grammar Quiz  12/5
12/7 - Choice Write Final Draft Due, BOC, major grade  -- let's see what happens
12/14 - Membean  and Greek Roots Quiz


  • There shouldn't be as much need to move dates around as the first Nine Weeks, but if anything changes, I will note it on here.
  • All three Membean quizzes and the Greek Roots quiz will be averaged together and go in to the gradebook as one grade.
  • The Membean minutes for a daily grade will run from 10/9-10/29, 10/30-11/19, and 11/27-12-14 (notice this one is a little shorter).  There will be no Membean expected over the Thanksgiving break.