Friday, October 19, 2018

Major Dates for the Second Nine Weeks

This post will be a regularly updated list of major grades and events for the second nine weeks.    I will revise and add to the list as dates firm up. 😀

Thur., 11/1 - First Independent Reading Book Due, BOC - free choice
Mon., 11/5 - Start Reading The Children's Homer - if you want a book to write in, bring it. Otherwise, I have copies you may borrow.
Between Nov. 7 and 16, we will have the first draft of their original stories due, group revising, and a writing conference.
November 19-23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
The week of Nov. 26-29, we will do the final edit and turn in the final copy of their original stories. -FINAL COPY due Nov. 28, BOC
The Children's Homer test
Part One - Tuesday, 12/4 over god and goddesses and the "Iliad"
Part Two -  Thursday, 12/13, EOC over the "Odyssey"
Thur., 12/6 - Second Independent Reading Book Due, BOC - free choice
Tues. - Fri., Dec. 18-21 - Fall Semester Exams  - We will take the exam for LA during the 8th period exam time on Tuesday.  During the 7th period exam time, we will go over the graded exams and update portfolios.  They will not take two exams for my LA class.


  • For the first second weeks, the kids will have three daily grades for Membean.  That will be the 90 minutes of practice with 80% accuracy over the course of 3 instructional weeks.
  • We will have a quiz towards the end of each window. Each quiz grade will go into an average so that there is one Membean quizz grade for the 2nd Nine Weeks.    
  • Practice windows for the rest of the semester are: 10/1 - 10/21, 10/22 - 11/11, and 11/12 - 12/9. Each window is 3 instructional weeks.  
  • A week runs from 12:01 am on Monday to 12 midnight the following Sunday.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Nine Week Test OverREview 10/11/18

Test OverREview

  • The test will have 25 questions.  Most are multiple choice, but a few are short answer. 
  • There is one, (probably) new (to you), fairy tale to read and answer questions about.  Then, there are some stand-alone literary devices to identify and analyze.
  • If the term is on your Literary Lexicon, it might be on the test with the following exceptions: symbol, motif, epiphany, suspense, idiom, and oxymoron.  (We’ll add those in before the semester exam J.)
  • We are reviewing in class by applying and practicing all these terms to stories in class.  I suggest looking back over the Literary Devices and Story Elements Quiz, making sure you know all the terms on your Literary Lexicon, and READING CAREFULLY on the test. J

Writing Contests and Information

Look here for more information about the three writing opportunities we are discussing this week and next in LA class.

PTA Reflections - Final date for entry is October 31.  Please follow this link for details:

Do the Write Thing - This is a national contest that publishes student writing yearly.  We've had students from the district as national winners before.  The entry process is multi-level and has firm dates starting in March.

NANOWRIMO - National Novel Writing Month - this is for my serious authors!  Ms. Smith is administering this opportunity to write the first draft of your novel during the month of November! If you are interested, see me and I will send you to Ms. Smith during Activity to get signed up!