Thursday, December 20, 2018

Membean Extra Credit Opportunity

To keep the words fresh, I will offer +5 points of your Membean quiz average for the 3rd Nine Weeks if you do at least 4, 15 minute practice sessions, with 80% or higher accuracy from December 17 - January 7.  All  requirements must be met.  I will not accept 60 minutes total if they are not in 15 minute increments.  If you run over a minute or two for any given session, that's okay.  You may also do additional sessions.   Happy Holidays!

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The LA GT Dec. 2018 exam will have 50 questions – most are multiple choice and matching, but a few are short answer.

There are:
·       three Classical and Traditional stories to read and analyze. 
·       a poem to read and analyze.
·       some questions about The Children’s Homer as an example of a Hero’s Journey. 
·        a writing sample that needs revising and editing help.
here is not A review sheet, but multiple practice activates and papers we will do each day to prepare you. Below you will find term/concepts you need to know:

·       Grammar and Writing
o   Word Crimes
o   Capitalization
o   Paragraphing
o   Quotations – dialogue and quote
·       Story Elements
o   Plot  (including drama)
o   Characterization
o   Conflict
o   Setting
o   POV
o   Foreshadowing
·      Literary Devices/Techniques
o   Figurative language
o   Irony
o   repetition
·       Literary Analysis
o   Author’s purpose
o   Theme
o   Mood/tone
·       Classical and Traditional Stories
o   Archetypes/Hero's Journey
o   Cultural values
o   Stylistic Elements

Monday, December 3, 2018

Iliad Sort for Study - 1/2 test tomorrow

1. Aphrodite                 
 2. Hera                                    
3. Apollo                                  
4. Athena                                
5. Zeus                           
6. Hephaestus

7. Ares

8. Hermes

9. Eris

1. Bribed Paris to give her the golden apple with a promise to make him the most handsome man in the world.

2. Queen of the gods.  Thought she should get the golden apple because of her position over family and marriage.

3. Shot plague-infected arrows at the Greek army because they kidnapped the daughter of one of his priests.

4. Wisest of the gods, admired Odysseus for his wisdom and accordingly helped him and his son on their journeys.

5. In support of his wife who was insulted by not receiving the golden apple, this god helped the Greeks several times during the war, such as giving magic horses to Achilles.

6. Armor and weapon maker to the gods and select mortals.  Who to call if you need some god-worthy armor!

7. God of war – instead of picking a side of the conflict, he does whatever make the conflict worse.

8. This god who is known for his traveling shoes (winged sandals) and messenger hat, delivers a message to King Priam so he can safely get Hector’s body home.

9. This goddess causes problems wherever she goes.  She showed up at a wedding she wasn’t invited to, tossed out a golden apple that eventually led to a 10 year war!

10. Odysseus

11. Telemachus

12. Penelope

13. Pheimus

14. Mentor

15. Menelaus

16. Helen

17. Agamemnon

10. Wisest, most respected of the Greek kings.  Takes him 20 years to get home after the Trojan war – a war he didn’t even want to fight.  Still MIA during the Iliad.

11. Respectful and brave son of Odysseus who goes on a journey to find news of his father at the urging of Athena.

12. Odysseus’s faithful and clever wife who is trying to buy time and not marry anyone else in his absence.

13. Minstrel/story- teller for Odysseus’s court. Travels with Telemachus to see what has happened to Odysseus.

14. One of the forms that Athena takes to help Telemachus find his father and rid Ithaca of the unwanted wooers.

15. Helen’s husband.  Goes to Troy to get her back.  When they refuse, he gets his brother, Agamemnon, to organize all the Greek kings and go to war. 

16. The most beautiful woman in the world.  Married to Menelaus. Kidnapped by Paris who thinks he deserves her since he’s the most beautiful man in the world.

17. Top king of the Greek kingdoms/city states. Brother of Menelaus. Sends for Odysseus and the other kings to form an army against the Trojans. Causes problems for the Greeks with his jealousy.

18. Nestor

19. Achilles

20. Patroklos

21. Priam

22. Hector

23. Paris

18. Oldest of the Greek kings.  Well respected and reasonable. Friends with Odysseus.  Sends his son and transportation to help Telemachus find word of his father when T. shows up in his kingdom looking for information.

19. This famous demi-god hero’s mother is the goddess, Thetis.  Odysseus finds him in hiding at his mother’s request and happily takes his BFF, Potroklos, - along with his father’s undefeated warriors, the Myrmidons and immortal horses to war. Invincible to weapons except for his ankle.

20.Achilles’ BFF.  An accomplished warrior who takes Achilles armor to build the Greek’s moral and scare the Trojans.  Ends up getting killed.

21. King of Troy.  Honorable and noble king who wanted to return Helen to her husband.  Loves and appreciates his son, Hector.

22. Eldest and most responsible prince of Troy.  Heads up their army. Battles Achilles knowing he will probably die rather than allow the Greeks to get inside the gates of Troy.

23. Problem child of Troy.  Foolishly judges who is the fairest between Hera, Athena and Aphrodite when Eris throws the golden apple. Kidnaps Helen from Sparta and Menelaus.  Refuses to return her along with the Trojan counsel. Kills Achilles with a well-placed arrow to the heel.

Friday, November 9, 2018

The Children's Homer Reading Plan +

Right now, this is the reading plan for Part One of The Children's Homer.  I will add dates for the rest of the book and assignments after Thanksgiving.  We will read each day in class, but anything we don't finish in class each day is homework.

You need to read these chapters and do the
questions for those chapters by B.O.C. on...                      ...this day

Chapters 1-6 (I-VI)                                                         Tue. 11/13

Chapters 7-12 (VII-XII)                                                  Wed. 11/14

Chapters 13-19  (XIII-XIX)                                            Thu.  11/15

Chapters 20-23  (XX-XXIII)                                           Fri. 11/16         Wed. 11/28, EOC               

Friday, October 19, 2018

Major Dates for the Second Nine Weeks

This post will be a regularly updated list of major grades and events for the second nine weeks.    I will revise and add to the list as dates firm up. 😀

Thur., 11/1 - First Independent Reading Book Due, BOC - free choice
Mon., 11/5 - Start Reading The Children's Homer - if you want a book to write in, bring it. Otherwise, I have copies you may borrow.
Between Nov. 7 and 16, we will have the first draft of their original stories due, group revising, and a writing conference.
November 19-23 - Thanksgiving Holiday
The week of Nov. 26-29, we will do the final edit and turn in the final copy of their original stories. -FINAL COPY due Nov. 28, BOC
The Children's Homer test
Part One - Tuesday, 12/4 over god and goddesses and the "Iliad"
Part Two -  Thursday, 12/13, EOC over the "Odyssey"
Thur., 12/6 - Second Independent Reading Book Due, BOC - free choice
Tues. - Fri., Dec. 18-21 - Fall Semester Exams  - We will take the exam for LA during the 8th period exam time on Tuesday.  During the 7th period exam time, we will go over the graded exams and update portfolios.  They will not take two exams for my LA class.


  • For the first second weeks, the kids will have three daily grades for Membean.  That will be the 90 minutes of practice with 80% accuracy over the course of 3 instructional weeks.
  • We will have a quiz towards the end of each window. Each quiz grade will go into an average so that there is one Membean quizz grade for the 2nd Nine Weeks.    
  • Practice windows for the rest of the semester are: 10/1 - 10/21, 10/22 - 11/11, and 11/12 - 12/9. Each window is 3 instructional weeks.  
  • A week runs from 12:01 am on Monday to 12 midnight the following Sunday.

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Nine Week Test OverREview 10/11/18

Test OverREview

  • The test will have 25 questions.  Most are multiple choice, but a few are short answer. 
  • There is one, (probably) new (to you), fairy tale to read and answer questions about.  Then, there are some stand-alone literary devices to identify and analyze.
  • If the term is on your Literary Lexicon, it might be on the test with the following exceptions: symbol, motif, epiphany, suspense, idiom, and oxymoron.  (We’ll add those in before the semester exam J.)
  • We are reviewing in class by applying and practicing all these terms to stories in class.  I suggest looking back over the Literary Devices and Story Elements Quiz, making sure you know all the terms on your Literary Lexicon, and READING CAREFULLY on the test. J

Writing Contests and Information

Look here for more information about the three writing opportunities we are discussing this week and next in LA class.

PTA Reflections - Final date for entry is October 31.  Please follow this link for details:

Do the Write Thing - This is a national contest that publishes student writing yearly.  We've had students from the district as national winners before.  The entry process is multi-level and has firm dates starting in March.

NANOWRIMO - National Novel Writing Month - this is for my serious authors!  Ms. Smith is administering this opportunity to write the first draft of your novel during the month of November! If you are interested, see me and I will send you to Ms. Smith during Activity to get signed up!

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My Name Means Poem

Text Box: We have read several poems this year about “who we are” – including the poem to the left. 
Now, we are going to use, “What My Name Means” as our inspiration poem to take a poem all the way through the writing process.
The final copy of the poem will be displayed for back to school night.  The final copy is due Tuesday, September 11.  The process and final copy are a major grade. 

TPCASTT Notes & Brainstorming   _______(10)
First draft is complete, on time     _______(10)
Revision and Editing activities are completed in a meaningful way                              _______(20)
Final copy has a complete heading on either the front or back         _______(5)
Title and poem are in correct, consistent format – no quotes on title on top of poem, each person begins a new sentence, quotation marks and punctuation in the correct format. No spelling errors. Minus 1 point per error up to 10 points             _______(10)
Content: 10-15 people, plus “I” – thoughtful, reflects the author; at least three “ands” before the shift; at least four “ands” after the shift; “I” section adds to our understanding of your personality.                   _______(30)
At least one highlighted and labeled literary device       _______(10)
The final draft of the poem has visual images that depict the qualities and interests mentioned in the poem                 _______(10)

“What My Name Means”
By Jennifer Dignan 
Published in “Scope” September 2018

My sister thinks my name means
“sharer of back seats and secrets.”
My mom thinks my name means
“needs a lot of rides to gymnastics” and
“loves comic books, like me.”
My dad thinks my name means
“weirdly obsessed with that band Imagine Dragons” and
“loves corny jokes like me.”
My cat thinks my name means “always good for a snuggle.”
My best friend thinks my name means
“tells me the truth no matter what; best giggle in the world.”
My art teacher thinks my name means “gifted.”
My music teacher thinks my name means
“definitely tries hard.”
My neighbor thinks my name means
“kid who cuts the grass.”
My dentist thinks my name means
“kid who needs to floss.”
I think
There’s some stuff that they left out, like
“dreams of life in a big city” and
“lies awake at night sometimes,
Worrying about the whales” and
“having doubts about gymnastics” and
“loves nothing more than to close her eyes
And listen to the rain.”

Independent Reading and Classically Inspired List

Independent Reading:  While we will read and analyze lots of texts in class, you are expected to have an independent reading book going at all times.  For most of you this is your normal state of being. J The vast majority of the time, I want this to be completely a book of your choice – fiction, non-fiction, manga, hieroglyphics – whatever you love.  Just read and bring it to class every day. 

A few times this year, I’m going to ask you to choose a book from a list or genre to read independently. Every week or so, I’m going to ask to see your independent reading book and ask you do something with it.  If you are reading the book, it should be no problem!  Yes, this will count as a grade. And, of COURSE, feel free to read MORE!

1st Nine Weeks: Open Choice due 9/11; Classically Inspired due 10/4*
2nd Nine Weeks: 2 Open Choice
3rd Nine Weeks: 1 Bio Book; 1 Open Choice
4th Nine Weeks: 1 Classic; 1 Open Choice

*Below is a list of suggested reads for your Classically Inspired, but I will be happy to approve other books if it is classically inspired!  What do I mean by “classically inspired’?  The book is either inspired by or a retelling of a classical and traditional story such as a fairy tale, myth, legend, tall tale or folk tale.

  • I want you to read something you have NEVER read – something new and interesting!  
  • MOST of the books on this list are the first book in a series, or one of a collection of books with a similar theme by the same author.  You are welcome to read ANY book from these series/collections if you have already started the series.
  •  All books on this list are recommended for 6th grade, 10-12 year olds, but I always encourage kids and parents to check out books on Amazon and Common Sense Media to get more detailed reviews to make sure it’s a good book for YOU.  See footnotes below.
  • I have copies of many of these, and our library has even more!  You will need a copy in class by Monday, Sept. 17. (I can be a little flexible on this date if you are not getting from me or the library.)  You will need to bring the book to class each day.  You will need to finish reading the book by Thursday, October 4.
  • I will get assignments to you soon.  Right now, just procure a book!

Anything by Rick Riordan ! ^

Cinder (The Lunar Chronicles) by Marrisa Meyer + ! ^

Fairest by Gail Carson Levine * 

The Grimm Legacy by Polly Shulman ^

Just Ella  by Margaret Haddix ^

Flunked (Fairy Tale Reform School)  by Jen Calonita +

Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer + ! !

Red Rider’s Hood (Dark Fusion Series #2) by Neil Schusterman *

A Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom by Christopher Healy +

A Tale Dark and Grimm by Adam Gidwitz *

Rump: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin (or Jack or Red) by Liesl Shurtliff *

The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer +

Breadcrumbs   by Anne Ursu and Erin McGuire

Cronus Chronicles by Anne Ursu +

The Tail of Emily Windsnap by L Kessler + (in second book ^)

The Extraordinary Adventures of Alfred Kropp by Rick Yancey + ! !

Loki’s Wolves by  K.L. Armstrong and M.A. Marr  +

Middle World (The Jaguar Stones Series) by J & P Voelkel +

Oh. My. Gods. by Tera Lynn Childs ^ +

Book of the Dead (TombQuest, Book 1) by  Michael Northrop +

+ first in a series

*part of a set of related books that don’t necessarily need to be read in order

! violent
^ smoochies alert

Friday, August 24, 2018

First Nine Weeks Big Dates

This post will be a regularly updated list of major grades and events for the first nine weeks.  You will notice some dates are not set yet, so I gave a window.  I will revise the list as dates firm up. 😀

8/21 - Summer Reading Assessment in class
9/3 - Labor Day Holiday
9/6 - Final Copy of "My Name Means" poem due, major grade moved to 9/20
9/11 - first Choice Book due
9/13 - Capitalization, Dictionary and Thesaurus Quiz - push to Friday, one more day to practice!
9/24-28 - Book Fair
9/25 or 9/27 - Literary Devices and Elements Quiz
9/27 - Open House
9/30 - by midnight Sunday the 30th, kids should have 90 minutes of Membean practice from 9/4/18
10/4 - Classically Inspired Choice Book Due
10/8 - no school for kids
10/11 - Nine Weeks Test: Literary Devices and Elements
10/12 - Last day of the 1st Nine Weeks


  • For the first nine weeks, the kids will have one daily grade for Membean.  That will be the 90 minutes of practice with 80% accuracy between 9/4 and 9/30.  
  • We will have the first quiz towards the end of that window, but the quiz grade will go into an average with the Membean quizzes for the 2nd Nine Weeks.  That quiz grade will be on the 2nd Nine Weeks average.  
  • Practice windows for the rest of the semester are: 10/1 - 10/21, 10/22 - 11/9, and 11/19 - 12/7. Each window is 3 instructional weeks.  
  • A week runs from 12:01 am on Monday to 12 midnight the following Sunday.

Welcome to the 18-19 School Year!

Welcome to MMS!  I am glad we have class together!

Teacher:  Niki Pokladnik Connor                    Course:    6th Grade GT Language Arts
Phone:  713-251-3993                                    Conference Period: 12:28 – 1:15
Email:      (nota bene: [.com] not [.org], [Jennifer] not [Niki] )

            6th Grade Gifted and Talented Language Arts is no longer integrated with Social Studies.  However, we will still be looking through a cultural lens as we read and write and think and analyze.  We will also continue to read texts that support the learning kids will do in 6th Grade SS, World Cultures, as all 6th graders take this class. We will read stories, articles, poems, and novels that relate to cultural studies.  The curriculum is advanced and accelerated with an emphasis on higher level thinking skills.  Pre-AP skills are included in the GT LA and SS programs.
            Students who like to read and write, who have an interest in the world around them, and who exhibit task commitment are successful in this class. Respectful, self-disciplined behavior from each student is necessary for achievement of his or her personal best – and expected as a member of a learning community.

You will need the following materials and supplies EVERY DAY for this class:
-       binder containing your LA dividers ( VIP & WIP) and many sheets of loose-leaf paper
-       agenda/planner
-       independent reading book
-       pencils, blue or black ink pens (No fancy colors for class work – your words should sparkle, not your ink! However, you may grade and take notes in any ink that makes you happy!)
-       highlighters and grading pen (colors are up to you on these)
-       scissors
-       independent reading book and/or class novel

Ø  There will also be two “books” that will have a place to live in my room – Composition Book and Interactive Reader (IAR).  You may take them home overnight any time you want or need to, but make sure they come back to school each day.

Ø  Your Literature Textbook should live at home.

Ø  All students are asked to purchase a subscriptions to our online vocabulary program, Membean and our online writing and grammar program, NoRedInk.  Please the last page for a letter about this.

Portfolios: You will keep a portfolio in my filing cabinet.  When I return a paper to you, I will go over it and then let you know where it should go – maybe in your portfolio or composition book, maybe home, or even the recycling bin, but wait for me to tell you where it goes!  “No paper left behind.”

Tutorials:  During Activity and by appointment.  Please schedule non-Activity tutorials with me at least 24 hours in advance as I attend many meetings and appointments each week. 

Class Novels:  This year, we are trying out some new whole class novels. For sure, we will read: Colum’s Children’s Homer by Padraic Colum  and  I Am Malala by Malala Yousafzai.  Both of these will be available at the Back to School Book Fair in September.  We are swapping out some other books TBD.

Independent Reading:  While we will read and analyze lots of texts in class, you are expected to have an independent reading book going at all times.  For most of you this is your normal state of being. J The vast majority of the time, I want this to be completely a book of your choice – fiction, non-fiction, manga, hieroglyphics – whatever you love.  Just read and bring it to class every day. 

A few times this year, I’m going to ask you to choose a book from a list or genre to read independently. Every week or so, I’m going to ask to see your independent reading book and ask you do something with it.  If you are reading the book, it should be no problem!  Yes, this will count as a grade.

Make-up Work:   Quizzes and tests may be made-up during Activity and by appointment.  Please schedule non-Activity make-ups with me at least 24 hours in advance.   If you are absent, check with me before or after class or during Activity for make-up work.  If you were absent on the day the assignment was handed out, you have as many days as you were out (excused) to make up the work.  If you were present on the day the assignment was handed out, but absent on the due date, it is due the day you return to school.

Semester Exams: You will take final exams in December and June.  The final exam will count as 14% of the semester grade the remaining 86% is made up of the two nine week grades.

Late Work: Work that counts as a test grade or a daily grade* will be accepted one day late for a maximum of 75 and two days late for a maximum of a 50.

*Membean and other time-sensitive assignments such as homework will not be taken late.

Extra Credit:  Extra credit will always be an extension of the current unit and come DURING the unit. Please, do not ask for extra credit the last week of class; you will have had opportunities. If you believe you may need extra credit, please do it when it is offered.   Late extra credit will not be accepted.

9 Week Grades:                                                         
50% Tests, Process Papers and Projects (Major Grades)                  
30%  Quizzes/Small Projects
20%  Daily Work/Homework**                      **The single lowest daily grade will be dropped each
                                                                                             nine-week grading period.

General Information:

-       We will go to the library every other Tuesday. You will be FABULOUS in the library because our library and librarian are both fabulous!

-       You are also welcome to check books out from my classroom library – please bring the book to me when you want to check it out and when you want to return it.

-       You are expected to record all homework, assignments and due dates in your Agenda each day.  I will post big dates and important information of my blog.
I suggest you bookmark it or sign up for email notifications.

-       Be sure that all written work has the proper heading and title. Any work without the proper heading will be returned, and therefore may be considered late. Pencil, dark blue or black ink only.
                       First Last                    Niki Connor
                       Date                           August 27, 2016

-       Phones and any other electronic devices:
o   Must be TURNED OFF and in a pocket at the front of the room unless I have given you express permission to have it out and on.
o   If you want to use your phone on the break, pick it up on your way out of the room and re-store it on your way in.
o   If I see or hear your phone during class and you have not been given permission to use it, I will send it to Mr. Roth, and you will have to get it back from her at the end of the day. L
o   All the rules you agreed to for school-based technology apply to your personal phone when you are using it on campus – including no picture taking unless you have express permission from an adult.

-       Please make sure your desk is empty, the floor around your desk is free of trash and your chair is pushed in or stacked at the end of class each day.  When this is accomplished, I will dismiss you by group or class.

-       We have rotating jobs in this class:
The Passer – passes out things.
The Supplier – makes sure the book shelves and the supplies are all returned and orderly at the end of class; deals with supplies during class.
The Runner – takes anything that needs to leave the room for me (no mazes or grieversJ).
The Tech-er – makes sure all technology devices have been shut down properly and plugged into the appropriate spot before anyone can leave the room. Turns on/off lights when needed.

-       We have a wonderful 6th Grade Eagle Reader Book Club.  This is a “just for fun” book club that meets once a month during lunch in the library to pick out and discuss books.

-       Ask (relevant) questions, enjoy, read, think, write and play with words!  Learning should be fun!

-       This fall we have a “bonus teacher” in class, Ms. Kim.  She is a student teacher from Texas A&M, and has already been a wonderful asset to our class!

Dear MMS Parents,                                                                        August 24, 2018

The Language Arts Department at MMS will be continuing their use of Membean, a personalized online vocabulary system for grades 6-8.  All returning students and parents are familiar with the benefits of Membean.  We are also starting a program called No Red Ink, which is a personalized online grammar and writng program.
For those of you not familiar with it, Membean is a fully automated, differentiated, and multimodal vocabulary learning system which effectively addresses each student’s learning style needs while building on his/her own level of vocabulary expertise.  Membean is fully web-based and uses a patented Adaptive Reinforcement Engine which ensures that students will remember vocabulary words, not just for a test, but on a long-term basis. 
NoRedInk (stylized as noredink) is an online web-based language-learning platform designed to help students in grades 4-12 improve their writing and grammar skills. NoRedInk builds stronger writers through interest-based curriculum, adaptive exercises, and actionable data.
Multi-tasking will only slow down the learning process, so please ensure that your child is “uni-tasking” while doing their Membean and Noredink!
If you’d like to try either of these programs yourself to get an idea of what your child will be doing, please visit  and/or 
Both programs cost $16 per student in total.  You may pay with cash or a check, but checks are preferable.  Please make checks payable to MMS; you can pay for both programs with one check. 
Your child’s Language Arts teacher will provide log-in instructions to your child upon receipt of the $16 registration fee.

Thank you,
Amy Servat