Tuesday, September 11, 2018

My Name Means Poem

Text Box: We have read several poems this year about “who we are” – including the poem to the left. 
Now, we are going to use, “What My Name Means” as our inspiration poem to take a poem all the way through the writing process.
The final copy of the poem will be displayed for back to school night.  The final copy is due Tuesday, September 11.  The process and final copy are a major grade. 

TPCASTT Notes & Brainstorming   _______(10)
First draft is complete, on time     _______(10)
Revision and Editing activities are completed in a meaningful way                              _______(20)
Final copy has a complete heading on either the front or back         _______(5)
Title and poem are in correct, consistent format – no quotes on title on top of poem, each person begins a new sentence, quotation marks and punctuation in the correct format. No spelling errors. Minus 1 point per error up to 10 points             _______(10)
Content: 10-15 people, plus “I” – thoughtful, reflects the author; at least three “ands” before the shift; at least four “ands” after the shift; “I” section adds to our understanding of your personality.                   _______(30)
At least one highlighted and labeled literary device       _______(10)
The final draft of the poem has visual images that depict the qualities and interests mentioned in the poem                 _______(10)

“What My Name Means”
By Jennifer Dignan 
Published in “Scope” September 2018

My sister thinks my name means
“sharer of back seats and secrets.”
My mom thinks my name means
“needs a lot of rides to gymnastics” and
“loves comic books, like me.”
My dad thinks my name means
“weirdly obsessed with that band Imagine Dragons” and
“loves corny jokes like me.”
My cat thinks my name means “always good for a snuggle.”
My best friend thinks my name means
“tells me the truth no matter what; best giggle in the world.”
My art teacher thinks my name means “gifted.”
My music teacher thinks my name means
“definitely tries hard.”
My neighbor thinks my name means
“kid who cuts the grass.”
My dentist thinks my name means
“kid who needs to floss.”
I think
There’s some stuff that they left out, like
“dreams of life in a big city” and
“lies awake at night sometimes,
Worrying about the whales” and
“having doubts about gymnastics” and
“loves nothing more than to close her eyes
And listen to the rain.”

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