As always, this is a work in progress. 😊
Tuesday, Jan. 8 - first day back from the winter break
Monday & Tuesday, Jan. 14 & 15 - MAP Testing (sorry)
Friday, Jan. 18 - Wed. 1/ 23 -
Prince and the Pauper Director's Notebook and Performance due BOC
Monday, Jan. 21 - MLK Day, no school
Friday, Jan. 25 Tuesday, Jan 29 - Need to have finished reading choice bio book - will be assessed on Bio Book test
Monday, Jan. 28 - Wednesday, Jan. 30 - Need to have copy of
I Am Malala in class (will need every day until Feb. 14)
Tuesday, Jan 29 - Drama and "Prince and the Pauper" Quiz
Thursday, Feb. 19 - Bio Book test covering choice bio book,
I Am Malala, bio books in general
Monday, Feb. 18 - President's Day, no school
Tuesday, Feb. 26 - Final Copy of Personal Narrative due, BOC
Tuesday, March 5 and/or Thursday, March 7 - Non-fiction and Persuasion Assessment
Friday, March 8 - Last Day of the 9 Weeks
The week of March 11-15 - Spring Break! Enjoy!
- For the first third weeks, the kids will have three daily grades for Membean. That will be the 90 minutes of practice with 80% accuracy over the course of 3 instructional weeks.
- We will have a quiz towards the end of each window. Each quiz grade will go into an average so that there is one vocabulary quiz grade for the 3rd Nine Weeks.
- Practice windows for the rest of the semester are: 1/8- 1/27, 1028 - 2/17, and 2/18 - 3/7. Each window is 3 instructional weeks.
- A week runs from 12:01 am on Monday to 12 midnight the following Sunday. (Except for the last window this nine weeks.)
- Quiz dates are tentatively: 1/28, 2/19, 3/7.